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My first wedding invitation + devastating news

Based on the title, yes, I went to my friend's wedding! Actually, I was surprised that I did. I faced a lot of problems before the D-day such as transportation and many other concerns. Alhamdulillah, God made it easier for me. So, how was it? It was a memorable day. We were so awkward when we first step into the place. Then, we spotted our friend looked so beautiful in her wedding gown. She and the groom were in a photography session so we decided to find a place to sit and eat. She approached us as we were about to eat and she was so stunning. I can't believe she is the same person who used to call me "Nadhir", the person we called "baby lion". How time flies. We are adults now and sometimes I tend to overlook that. We may not be as close as we were in school but it's understandable because we have so many in our plates. I was grateful to have the chance to go to her wedding celebration. I got to meet my other friends as well. In the car, we talked abou
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Completed 6/8 semesters, feeling anxious for the final year.

Wow, almost 4 months of not giving life updates...Time flies and a lot of things happened. Most were unexpected things. Well, let's talk about my study first. I finished my last paper two days ago and I was supposed to feel happy as the burden lifted my shoulder. However, when I started to think about my final year, my mind suddenly feels disoriented, my breath feels short and the burden came back. I'd be lying if I said I'm not scared of the future. Well, I think it's normal to feel that way but as long as it didn't consume me very much. Hopefully, my thoughts won't destroy me. I had to retake my MUET examination during my final assessment. That week was the most miserable ever. I did my best and I can only pray for the best. This semester break also although quite longer than the previous sem break, I have to think about my fyp. Sigh. Studying becomes tougher and tougher. May Allah ease my journey amin amin. Okay, what else to talk about? Well, just now I rece

One of the happiest day in my life

 March will be over soon. I've been wanting to update what's happening in my life lately but I always procrastinate so I decided that today is the day. A lot happened in March. I did not expect that. Well, I thought my life would be dull this month and nothing big happened. Life is full of surprises. I was sad and depressed for few weeks in the first few weeks of March until I was scared that I might actually have depression. I prayed to God that those bad days will leave me and I will feel okay soon. God answered and that day I was happy. I know I couldn't be happy every day but if only there's a gap between those bad days that's all I need. It's not like I didn't try to make myself happy by doing things I liked. I did but it was useless. Nevertheless, I'm gonna talk about that particular day in this blog and perhaps one more thing that makes me happy and grateful. That day was Monday. I didn't plan to tag along. My mother and my sister went shoppin

February is full of events!

 As the title said February is full of event. Today is 24 Feb. might as well wrapped everything today because I guess nothing extraordinary will happen the next 4 days. I started my first week of February with study week. Well, I can only recall watching one kdrama, our beloved summer. My first kdrama of the year! Then, a hectic 1 week and a half of final assessment. It was stressful although it has passed. I was sick when I answered Health Psychology paper. Me and aelspa (my group's name) didn't sleep the whole night to answer the paper (Health Psychology) because the duration of the paper was 24 hours. What a crazy experience. I also had a hard time answering Experimental Psychology because it was damn hard. I didn't know what I answered. It must be a terrible answer. Just thinking about the final assessment made my anxiety level increases. Well half of my February was full with exams and stress. Then, I ordered 2 books for my self-reward. Unfortunately, both of them are

Short staycation, currently in week 13, current mood.

Hi! It's January 20, 2022. This morning, I was supposed to finish introduction part in assignment 1 Psychological testing 1 however I don't feel like doing it so here I am updating the blog. I'm currently in week 13 and it feels like hell. There are 3 assignments, and 4 tests left for this semester. I don't know if I'm procrastinating or I'm taking my time and have some breaks by watching movies and YouTube in between the assignments. I literally do not want to push myself too much. Trying to stay sane in this insane period. I don't know what I'm doing anymore, what I want to know is I will finish this semester instead of this semester finishes me. Let's pray that I'll be able to get pass through this. This too shall pass.  So 20 days into January, there's only two things that made this January feels like less hell. First one, we went staycation in 1 January. Well, it's only for one night but still a good escape! I spent a lot of time wit

Notion review

 Hola! Buenas Noches! It's December. On the previous post, I said I would review Notion in November, Unfortunately, I didn't manage to do it. I was so freaking busy last month even though it was only in the beginning of the semester. Crazy how chaotic my life is right now. Luckily, tonight I finished my class earlier and got some free times on my hands and decided to update the blog. Actually, I planned to update the blog next week but I suppose I can't wait any longer. Not that I'm too excited to talk about Notion but I feel like writing something today. I did a lot of writing today. Before, I wrote on my physical journal or diary and it was so so painful to let it out but comforting at the same time. I am still in my healing journey btw. I won't talk about the painful stuff here because I am able to control myself now so she is neutral now. Let's use this neutral state to do something beneficial and talk about beneficial things. As the title say, Notion review

Notion + How do I feel about starting semester 5 a.k.a third year

It's October! Which means my 3 months of semester holiday will come to an end soon. Actually, I thought my class started this week. Well, it turns out next week. Not sure what to feel about an 'extra' holiday. I suppose I'm not feeling eager about it as well, it's just that I'm sick of my own thoughts. I have lots of time to kill so I can't help to not overthink. I said I was in a healing period, wasn't I? I did experience bad days some time and it's killing me. I guess the way to end the suffocation is by sleeping. Luckily, the problem didn't appear in my dreams. I'm not gonna talk much about this because this is a public diary so why should I? So I think I answered my own question on 'How do I feel about starting semester 5 a.k.a third year?' I will try to make times updating blog every month. I don't want to promise but I will try my best. The next one is Notion. From what I can recall, I already made a Notion account not so lo